JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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310 lines
Byte Editor 1.2
by Bradford B. Taliaferro
SoftWare that doesn't garble strange radio transmissions
Introduction: The Byte Editor is an attempt to bring the ease of word
processing to those of us who occasionally hack byte by byte
into our code. It also is the beginning of an assembler-oriented
byte editor.
Screen: The top of the screen displays the current date and time. The
second line displays the file's time and date of creation, the
file's attributes, and the file name. You can change the file
creation date and time (see F8).
The main screen in Byte Editor is very simple. There are two
main areas - the Hexidecimal listing and the Ascii listing. If
an undisplayable character is in the file, it will be displayed
as an upside down question mark. The hexidecimal listing is
a 16 X 16 display of the values of the bytes in one block of
your file. The ascii display is a 16 X 16 display of the
characters in one block of your file.
Move the cursor around with the cursor keys. Notice that the
index highlite (which tells you the row and column of the
cursor) changes to enable you to quickly locate the byte of
interest. The index will be highlited on both the ascii
display and the hex display.
After the hex and ascii sections are the binary, octal, decimal
and assembler sections. These are smaller display and only
display the value of the current byte. You can change the
active area using CTRL-H,T,B,O,D,A (see key usage).
When an area is active you can edit the current byte in that
numbering system or language. An area is active if the
highlite is displayed in yellow on red (white on grey for
monochrome). For instance, if the binary section is highlited,
you could type in a binary byte. You can determine what area
is active in two ways; The active highlite is read; or look at
the area indicator (between the hex and ascii sections).
There are indicators between the hex and ascii areas. The first
is the area indicator. It indicates which area is currently
active. The second is an indication of byte offset from
beginning of file. The third is the current block number and
the total number of blocks (a block is 256 bytes).
Usage: BE fname [/N] [/M]
fname = the file you wish to edit.
/N = No direct screen writes
/M = Monochrome screen
/VER = displays program name, release date and
other useful information.
F1 = Help Screen. Displays the active keys and
their functions.
F2 = Ascii Search. Searchs for Ascii (or text) in
the file. You will prompted for the ascii string
to search for. Type it in and press enter.
either the file will be advanced to the first
occurence of the string or you will see a message
"search string xxxx not found."
SHIFT-F2 = Just like F2 but with replace and query
option. After typing in the search string
you will be queried for the replacement
string. If the search string is found you
will then be asked if you wish to replace
the search string with the replacement
string. Press Y for Yes and N for No.
ALT-F2 = Just like SHIFT-F2 but without the query
for replacement. It will search for the
string and replace it if found.
CTRL-F2 = Repeat the last ascii search.
F3 = Hex Search. Searchs for a hex string in
the file. You will prompted for the hex string
to search for. Type it in and press enter.
either the file will be advanced to the first
occurence of the string or you will see a message
"search string xxxx not found."
SHIFT-F3 = Just like F3 but with replace and query
option. After typing in the search string
you will be queried for the replacement
string. If the search string is found you
will then be asked if you wish to replace
the search string with the replacement
string. Press Y for Yes and N for No.
ALT-F3 = Just like SHIFT-F3 but without the query
for replacement. It will search for the
string and replace it if found.
CTRL-F3 = Repeat the last hex search.
F4 = Assembler Search. Searchs for ASM code in
the file. You will prompted for the ASM string
to search for. Type it in and press enter.
either the file will be advanced to the first
occurence of the string or you will see a message
"search string xxxx not found."
CTRL-F4 = Repeat the last ASM search.
NOTE: The assembler portions of this program are
still in the development stage. Any
suggestions are welcome to help finish up this
stage of the program. When my assembler
knowledge is up to speed this portion of
the program will be too.
F5 = Goto block (decimal). You will be queried for
the block to jump to.
ALT F5 = Goto block (hexidecimal). You will be
queried for the block to jump to.
F6 = Save current block to disk.
F7 = Reread block from disk.
F8 = Change the file's creation time.
ALT F8 = Change the file's creation date.
F10 = Exit program.
PAGE UP = Move up one block (decrement block number).
CTRL-PAGE UP = Move up ten blocks (decrement block
number by ten).
PAGE DOWN = Move down one block (increment block
CTRL-PAGE DOWN = Move down ten blocks (increment block
number by ten).
HOME = Go to byte 0 in the current block.
CTRL-HOME = Go to top of file.
END = Go to byte 255 in the current block.
CTRL-END = Go to end of file.
TAB = switch active area (hex, dec, oct, ascii, etc.).
CTRL-A = Make Assembler area active.
CTRL-B = Make Binary area active.
CTRL-D = Make Decimal area active.
CTRL-H = Make Hex area active.
CTRL-O = Make Octal area active.
CTRL-T = Make Text(ascii) area active.
1. The assembler portions of this little system are not yet
finished. Having just moved, it is hard to find time to complete
such a time consuming part. The rest of it is in constant use by
SempriniWare and other small companies. Let me know if you have
any suggestions on its completion.
2. If you are comparing DOS debug to BE, remember that BE does not
add anything to the byte location. The address you see is the actual
offset from the beginning of the file. If you find a byte at location
XXXX:0110 in debug you will find it at 0010 in BE.
Version 1.1 - fixed a positively hideous error that caused the editor
to display the incorrect block on a failed search. Yeesh! Also, I
am taking advantage of Mike Durkin's fine CRC check program and his
generous Shareware allowances. If I make any - you'll get yours,
Mike! Added the /ver option which is to be standard for all
Version 1.2 - minor enhancements in preparation for submission to
REGISTRATION FORM - Byte Editor - FEE [$15]
NAME ___________________________ PHONE (Optional)__________________
ADDRESS_________________________ CITY, STATE_______________________
ZIP_____________________________ OCCUPATION________________________
COMPUTER USE (programs, games, etc, i.e. 'what do you do?')____________
Contributions are encouraged and suggestions are invited. Send all
correspondence to:
Bradford B. Taliaferro
RR 1 Box 181
Rosendale, MO 64483
Or Call our BBS - The Micron Firefly - 816-324-3148